Gabriela Vermelho

Gabriela Vermelho graduated from University of Ostrava. She is skilful violinist, fabulous quinton player, outstanding singer and original composer. She is a musician whoseactivities branch out in large variety of directions. She is engaged inclassical music as well as in jazz, alternative music, contemporary inter-genrestyle music and Moravian folk music. She composed music for ballet performancesbeing staged in Plzeň, Liberec, Ústí nad Labem and in Prague.

She is also anactress. You can see her perform in Husa na provázku Theater in Brno (herperformance in the stage musical play Balada pro banditu – A Ballad for aBandit – has guaranteed her The Alfréd Radok Award for the best New Artist), The stage of The National Theatre in Prague isn’t unknown for her either. She has also taken part in musical Excalibur and had a solo in Schnittke’s First Symphony.

Currently, she plays with her chanson band GaRe, with quartet Gadrew Way, has solo performances and takes part in other orchestras and bands.

Herinvention, enthusiasm, humour, creativity, vigour and virtuosity make her aunique personality, to which it would be difficult to find a match in thiscountry.

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