Dalibor Buš

Dalibor Buš was born in Hranice in 1989. He graduated the Grammar School of Jakub Škoda in Přerov with the liberal idealism, from where he was accepted into acting at Janáček Academy of Performing Arts. After graduation at the Academy he started working as an actor at Theatre Husa na provázku in Brno, where he has his engagement to this days. We could saw him in dramas Balada pro banditu (A Ballad for a Bandit), Amadeus, Babička (The Grandma), Ze života hmyzu (Pictures from the Insects’ Life), Idiot, Tango macabre, Moc Art and others.

Except the home scene at this Theatre he spends a lot of time at the children’s hospital departments in the South Moravian region, where he is trying to bring the smile as a health clown. It has to be said, that this is mainly thanks an individual donors, which support the non-profit company Health Clown o.p.s.

Since 2016 he has also worked as an external educator of acting at the Studio of Physical Theatre of his alma mater Janáček Academy of Performing Arts. This academic year he is also the training coach of acting of foreign students under the Erasmus program, which is an exceptional opportunity for mutual cultural enrichment.

Currently, we can see Dalibor Buš hosting in the productions at National Theatre in Brno, specifically in drama U kočičí bažiny (By the Cat Marsh, Marina Carr) and Odyssea (Homer).

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