Pablo Gregorian

The Dutch-Armenian tenor Pablo Gregorian is a versatile soloist and ensemble singer with an interest in oratorio, opera, art song and early music. After finishing two master’s degree programs in Theoretical Physics and Geophysics at Utrecht University, he studied singing at the Early Music Department of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague and completed a master’s degree in classical singing at CODARTS in Rotterdam with Marcel Reijans.

Performances as an oratorio soloist include concert tours through The Netherlands with Apollo Ensemble, where he performed Brockes Passion by both Handel (2018) and Telemann (2019), St John Passion (2021) by Bach and various cantatas. He also performed as evangelist and aria soloist in Bach’s St Matthew Passion and Christmas Oratorio, including with Dutch Baroque (2022). In addition, he appeared in a staged performance of Bach’s St John Passion with members of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria (2019).

Together with the baroque orchestra of Royal Conservatoire The Hague, Pablo Gregorian has performed in a number of fully staged baroque operas directed by Michael Chance: L’Incoronazione di Poppea by Monteverdi (2017), Il Giasone by Cavalli (2018), Fairy Queen by Purcell (2019) and Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda by Monteverdi (2020). He appeared as king Alexander the Great in the opera Il re pastore by Mozart (2021) in a staged performance with Domestica Rotterdam, a chamber ensemble consisting of members of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. He was part of the chorus of the opera production J.S. Bach – The Apocalypse, ‘the opera that Bach never wrote’ (2022), a new opera based on Bach’s vocal music, performed by OPERA2DAY and the Netherlands Bach Society. With the Apollo Ensemble he sang in a staged performance of Die erste Walpurgisnacht by Mendelssohn (2022). He also performed as a tenor soloist in Stadsopera Keizerin van Dordt (2022), a community show directed by David Prins, in honour of the 800th anniversary of the city of Dordrecht.

Pablo Gregorian forms a duo with (forte) pianist, harpsichordist and baroque harpist Henriëtte Wirth with whom he performs art song and music for baroque harp and voice. Together they created an online performance in 2021 in honour of Franz Schubert’s 224th birthday, featuring his song cycle Winterreise. He also appeared as Lied singer at the International Chamber Music Festival Schiermonnikoog (2020) and performed Schubert’s song cycle Die schöne Müllerin several times with Henriëtte in 2021-2022. As part of his master’s degree, he researched the historical performance practice of Schubert songs.

As an ensemble singer he is affiliated with the Netherlands Bach Society, with whom he sang in the festival celebrating their 100th anniversary and also in the Royal Concertgebouw Amsterdam with Graun’s Der Tod Jesu (2022). He also sings in the vocal ensemble of Collegium 1704, Prague, with whom he toured the Czech Republic, Germany and France with Handel’s Israel in Egypt (2022). He is also affiliated with the vocal ensemble Netherlands Bach Consort.

Together with Henriëtte Wirth, he organized the music festival Barok aan de Lek in Culemborg in 2022, featuring vocal and instrumental baroque music from Venice and Naples.


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