Petra Noskaiová

The Slovak mezzo-soprano, Petra Noskaiová, studied Music at the Bratislava Conservatory from 1988 to 1994 and vocal music with Ruena Illenbergova. Since her main fields of interest were the Baroque and the Renaissance liturgical music, she further studied with Marius van Altena, Harry van der Kamp and Sigiswald Kuijken. Later, she participated in master-classes under the baton of Sigiswald Kuijken.
Petra Noskaiová has worked regularly with numerous musical ensembles such as Musica Aeterna Bratislava, Capella Regia Musicalis, Musica Florea, Ensemble Inegal, Teatro Lirico, La Petite Bande, and acompanied also Andrew Parrott, Stephen Stubbs, Sigiswald Kuijken, Harry van der Kamp, Suzie LeBlanc, Howard Crook, Barbara Schlick and Paul Elliott. Her recent projects are J.M. Leclair’s Scylla and Glaucus with the Collegium Marianum under the baton of Simon Standage in Prague, and W.A. Mozart’s Requiem and Haydn’s Sieben letzte Worte with the La Petite Bande under the baton of Sigiswald Kuijken.
Petra Noskaiová regularly performs for the Slovak Radio and produces recordings for Slovart, Dynamic and Matou. In addirion, she paricipates oftenly at prestigious international festivals such as the Festival Oude Muziek in Utrecht, Days of Early Music in Bratislava and the Festival of Ambronay.



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