Terezi Kovalová

I was born in 1989 in Ostrava. At the age of 8 I started to play cello and sing. I studied at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava (2004-2009) with Dr. Jiří Hanousek. I studied violoncello at the Prague Conservatory (2009-2011) under prof. Miroslav Petráš. At the Prague Academy of Performing Arts I got my bachelor’s and master’s degree in music management under prof. Jiří Štilec.

I played in the Janacek Conservatory and Gymnasium Ostrava and with the Prague Conservatory Symphony Orchestra we started the Prague Spring under the baton of Jiri Belohlavek. I cooperate with many musicians and projects of Czech and foreign music scene. I play with my friend Vladivojna La Chia, Boris Carloff or David Stypka for a long time. With Michal Dvořák’s Vivaldianno project, we go to play all over the world. I am part of the pack of Animal called Autumn. With Adam Vopička I form the band Calm Season.

Since 2011 I teach at Charlotta Masaryk Art School.

I smelled the media in Ostrava when I moderated a Friday show on Helax (2006-2008), and I also wrote in the freeride magazine Go! and I was doing an electronica on Czech Radio. Occasionally I also model.

I love my dog ​​Stark, fantasy and sci-fi literature, comics and fashion by Karel Lagerfeld. I love my husband Milan and I use his last name together with mine since my wedding.


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