Festival Program

Took place

For several friends

Saturday 1. 7. 2017 from 3:00 pm
Ticket price
50 CZK - 150 CZK

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For several friends

For several friends

Henry Purcell (1659–1695): Sonáta č. 6 C dur (ze sbírky Twelve Sonnata´s in three parts, Londýn 1683)
Matthew Locke (1621?–1677): A voluntary (ze sbírky Melothesia, Londýn, 1673)
Matthew Locke (1621?–1677): Suita č. 1 c moll, C dur (ze sbírky The broken Consort, Part I)
Henry Purcell (1659–1695): Suita pro cembalo a moll
Nicola Matteis (1670–1714 cca): Suita a moll
William Lawes (1602–1645): Suita D dur
Henry Purcell a anonym: A new Irish Tune, Thomas you cannot, The Morris, [bez názvu], Tell mee Susan, A dance
Matthew Locke (1621?–1677): Suita č. 1 g moll (ze sbírky Consort of two parts For several Friends)
Henry Purcell (1659–1695): A new Scotch Tune
Henry Purcell (1659–1695): Sonata č. 6 g moll (ze sbírky Ten Sonnata´s in four parts, Londýn 1696)

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