Festival Program

Took place

J. S. Bach – G. Ph. Telemann

Sunday 10. 9. 2017 from 3:00 pm
Ticket price
50 CZK - 150 CZK

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J. S. Bach – G. Ph. Telemann

{!oh} Orkiestra Historyczna (Polsko)
Martyna Pastuszka (Polsko), umělecký vedoucí

Michaela Kušteková – soprán (Slovensko)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750): Concerto in A minor for violin, strings and basso continuo, BWV 1041
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767): Cantata Ew´ge Quelle, milder Storm, TWV 1:546
Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto in D minor for two violins, strings and basso continuo, BWV 1043
Georg Philipp Telemann: Cantata Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht in deinem Zorn, TWV 7:1

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