Gabriela Eibenová

After her graduation from the Prague Conservatory and her studies in London, Gabriela Eibenová mainly focussed on the performance and interpretation of early music. In the course of her career, she became a sought-after soprano soloist in this field.

She performed with renowned musicians, such as Eduardo Lopez Banzo, Ian Partridge, Simon Standage, Evelyn Tubb, Magdalena Kožená, Peter Kooij, a.o. She sang several title roles in baroque operas at home and abroad, such as: J. Blow – Venus and Adonis, J.M. Leclair – Scylla et Glaucus, C. Monteverdi – Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda, H.Purcell – Dido and Aeneas (this Czech production from 1998 was awarded the Alfred Radok prize)

.In the year 2000, she founded Ensemble Inégal together with Adam Viktora and a few years later the ensemble Prague Baroque Soloists. She performs at prestigious music festivals all over Europe (Prague Spring, Brugge, Utrecht, London), she also sang in Israel and Japan. She appeared as guest artist with the Czech Philharmonic, in the Prague State Opera and in the J.K. Tyl Theatre in Plzen, a.o. She regularly records for radio and television and has over 30 CD recordings on her account. Moreover, she sang for Pope John-Paul II, for the Dalaj Lama and for an entire range of high European state officials.


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